Disclamair:- some incidents are based on personal life
some are added just for fun…it is a different kind of humor..it is difficult to
understand…I also didn’t got in the first time…so don’t be ashmed…
I know it’s a bit
late…but after all he is my dad so I have that liberty ..i can wish him anytime
I want…
Well I don’t
expect a thank you from him …for wishing him..and why should I ….infact I would
like to thank him for everything he has done for me….!!! Like..
I would like to
thank him for not wasting me in the bathroom…
I would like to
thank him for beating me up each and every time…whenever I was wrong….
I would like to
thank him for not signing my complaint page of my school calendar whenever I
got one…or my report card …whenever I got less marks…
I would like to
thank him for threatening me to send me to boarding school…for not studying
I would like to
thank him to allow me to watch adult movies late nite because he use to
sleep very deeply…(snoring)
I would like to
thank him for giving me so much hair….so that I can walk bravely in winter
Thankyou dad for
teaching me how to watch NEWS (forcefully)instead of cartoons..
Thank you dad for
forcing doctor to give me an injection instead of tablets…so that I don’t bunk
the school on the next day….
Thank you dad for
taking me to temples …instead of gardens…
Thank you dad for
allowing me to sleep on your stomach….
Thank you dad for
not teaching me but guiding me ..
Well I cant write
………. I might just
P.S ...the person is not my dad and offcourse neither me...my dad dont wear shorts..!!!